Thursday, July 07, 2005


Panic On/Under the Streets of London

Live 8, Gay Pride, G8, the Olympics and now bombs and explosions and terrorism... blimey, London certainly is an emotionally intense place to be. I caught a hair-raising newsflash just as I was heading out the door to work, and realised there would be no point in even attempting to get in to Notting Hill. Now I'm round at Katie's where we are glued to the news on telly, it's all very confused and nobody seems sure of quite what's happened. Just saw a 'visably shocked' Blair making a statement saying he's heading down to London - they'll be carrying on G8 talks without him. Bad news for Africa and the environment, then. Katie and I don't know what to do with ourselves, and our menfolk are safe but trapped, like millions of others, at their workplaces.

HOpe you're all of you safe.
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