Sunday, May 30, 2004


Vicious Cocks

Woke up at about five this morning to an awful squalking racket – rushed out to the garage to find Wanpi Two being attacked viciously by a horrible, big, random chicken! It had somehow found it’s way over the high outer wall. Thank goodness I had covered Wanpi Two right up with a blanket, it protected her from the assault - which could have easily killed her, should she have received a peck to the head. Tito kicked the bloody stupid chicken off and we brought the dog inside to sleep. Somewhat ironically, we spent the afternoon and evening at a cockfight, which is a very popular Peruvian sport. I didn’t think I’d like it so much, but went along for the new experience, and because Tito’s good friend Juan raises cocks (no pun intended). Although I think it’s quite cruel, I was surprised to find I quite enjoyed the fighting. This could be due to my feelings of avengement towards the fowl race, but I actually think it’s due to assurances that losing cocks end up in the pot. Recycling always pleases me. The sport is quite gory though, the cocks have spikes (seals’ teeth apparently) attached to their feet so that they can properly injure each other, and a spike through the eye guarantees a win. As the day progresses the betting gets more and more lively (lots of spurting blood!), and the competing cocks increase in quality. They often have beautiful, shining plumage, and spread their neck feathers in an impressive display as the fights begin. The overall winner is the cock which completely finishes the off it’s opponent the quickest; the fastest match of the day was 26 seconds. That cock and his owner go home with 7500 soles (about 2000 US dollars) – a reward that certainly must have prompted many a cock to be raised!

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